
Our Awards

Ofsted Good GP Colour

Our recent OFSTED inspection in May 2024 found that we are a good provider, with Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes and Early Years Provision graded as outstanding. This reflects all the hard work and dedication by the staff, governors, children and parents and is so well-deserved.

Angel Award Badge for Websites JP

In March 2024 we gained the Surrey Young Carers Angel Award for being a Young Carer Friendly School. 

Silver award

In April 2022 we were delighted that West Ewell Primary School was awarded the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools ‘School Mental Health Award’ – Silver Status.

Coachmark silver

In September 2022 we achieved the Silver Coachmark award; a validation of our continued progress as a Coaching school and of the way in which we invest in developing our staff to be the best that they can be. 



‘West Ewell Infant School and Nursery was the first school in the UK to achieve the prestigious Coachmark Gold award. This award recognises and celebrates their commitment to a professional approach of communication and learning which puts trust, collaboration, sharing and openness at the heart of all they do. Staff, governors and pupils benefit from and support one another with the ‘can-do’ approach which seeks out strengths and solutions.’  We were re-accredited in 2016. 

June Whittle and Will Thomas - Directors, Coachmark 

Arts MArk

The award is in recognition of our dedication to the arts - music, drama and art. We place high priority in the development of the arts throughout the children's time with us at school.

Eco Schools Logo

In 2021 we achieved the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag - an internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning.  We are proud of our commitment to raising environmental awareness and making a positive impact on the wider community. 


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